We are always becoming

This great talk explains how we fool ourselves that we are “completed” at every age of our lives.  At every age, we change and change again.  The message?  We keep on changing, over and over, and this gives us the opportunity to reinvent ourselves....

Programming Yourself for Success

This young woman has had great success in her business.  It’s worth watching the video for several reasons: the first volunteer, the fact that she had several failures along the way, and her simple but effective approach.  See what you...

Act at Once!

That’s right!  We have an endless supply of great ideas, and they come and go all the time.  If we don’t take an action, or even just make a note of them, they drift away and we forget we ever had them in the first place.  Make yourself do something...


Confidence involves trying things out, having a go, learning from mistakes, not taking yourself too seriously.  The Facebook post on the left is an example.  I’m learning to use a piece of software called Canva, and my first three attempts turned out to be...