
I just want to tell you that I finished the book today and I think everyone should read it. I cried through most of the book. My eyes are sore. You opened my eyes in ways I had not seen or thought of.


I came to Alan for some counselling via a scheme provided by my employer. I had just had quite a traumatic relationship breakdown, and I had previously been quite sceptical about counselling but at this time felt it was worth a try. I immediately “clicked” with Alan and found myself very much at ease and able to talk freely without knowing necessarily what to expect. Alan moved beyond the initial reason for me being there regarding the break up and delved further into many other aspects of my approach to life and I’m very glad he did. These include talking about why I was where I was in terms of previous relationships with partners, family, friends and colleagues, levels of self-esteem, confidence and career. I’d always known I had some issues in various areas but Alan moved me on from just living with them to starting to do something about them as well as just becoming more comfortable with myself.

Alan was never judgemental but always honest and at times appropriately challenging. He offered practical approaches which I could take away and apply or just think about as well as personal examples and perspectives. He was also very realistic for example making it clear that we’d made good progress, that there was still work to be done but that that was up to me. Overall I found the whole experience to be well beyond my expectations and very rewarding.

NHS Executive

I wasn’t sure if I needed a therapist or a life coach, but it turned out – that what I really required was both. I began seeing Alan when I was at a cross-roads in my life; an emotionally tumultuous year had concluded in me needing to make potentially life changing choices and I found the whole situation totally crippling. Alan helped me to deal with my emotional trauma and unpick the various situations that would eventually lead to me making life changing choices.

Using a combination of our sessions, thought and writing exercises and a lot of reflection between appointments – Alan expertly helped me realise what I really wanted to do. After my final session with Alan – I handed my notice in at work, changed careers and left my childhood town for the first time. My life has improved dramatically and I’m sure that without the excellent therapy and coaching I received – I would still be stuck in a rut today.

Professional Musician

As an attendee of one of your workshops last year, I am pleased to report that I found the day useful and informative. I am certain that without the impetus and confidence arising from your class at Marjon’s, I wouldn’t be as far down the track as I now am.

Iain Grafton

Devon and Cornwall Police

I have had a few sessions with Alan as a coach and have found him to be masterful in enabling me to see the positives in a situation. I always feel completely re-energised, motivated and ready to take on the world after an hour with Alan.

Siobhan Breslin

Manager, Voluntary Sector

I have learnt a lot about myself and will continue on my journey. He has put me in touch with new knowledge and this leaves me in an excited place. I have also had light bulb moments when his skilled coaching has given me clarity and self-discovery.

Theresa Nally

Manager, Social Services

A most sincere thank you for giving your valuable time and supporting our MA L&M ‘taster’ evening yesterday. Your presentation was most inspiring and complemented the evening perfectly. Initial feedback has been very encouraging and your contribution was a key factor in this. Most certainly, we have you earmarked as a Guest Speaker for similar events and programme delivery in the future. Once again, thank you for your support!

–David Ward BA (Hons) FinstLM FCMI MCGI

Manager Centre for Leadership, Management and Sport Development, University of St Mark & St John

Alan is a wonderful coach. His affable manner means that you are not always aware of quite how incisive his questions and insights are until you reflect on them afterwards and realise how far you have moved in your thoughts, goals and motivation as a result.

Jo Higson

Blue Parakeet Coaching

Alan’s relaxed and interactive style as a trainer, together with his wealth of knowledge as a coach and therapist made for a hugely enjoyable learning experience. With Alan’s guidance, the diploma course included many personal ‘aha’ moments for me which deepened my understanding of the coaching process and which have been invaluable in my own practice as a coach.

Sarah Gunn

Life-Works Coaching

I really valued Alan’s broad and deep range of experiences as a coach – he brought a great combination of coaching and psychotherapy to the table along with no nonsense commercial sense and helped me through some of my biggest blocks to make crucial breakthroughs in establishing confidence in myself and what I have to offer.

David Stone


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